BurnTec hidrogeliniai tvarsčiai (tvarsčiai patyrus nudegimus)

BurnTec hydrogel dressings (burn dressings)

First aid dressings for burns and skin injuries. BurnTec® hydrogel dressings are different from other first aid dressings. Due to its stable hydrogel structure, BurnTec® dressing guarantees even coverage and distribution of cooling activity over the entire burn surface, even in the most severe injuries. Even large hydrogel pads adhere well to the wound and can be applied quickly and easily.
BurnTec® is a modern hydrogel dressing used in the following situations:
✅first, second and third degree burns (thermal, chemical, electrical)
✅scratches and skin irritations
✅bruising and swelling (insect bites)
✅other skin lesions
Ukrainians present these bandages - Video . It is recommended to have it not only at home, in the car medicine cabinet, but also at IFAK.

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