
All information about the products we have and use.
  • Pradinio gaivinimo ir automatinio išorinio defibriliatoriaus svarba

    Importance of initial resuscitation and automat...

    Life is fragile and immediate first aid can save a life. Initial resuscitation is the first and main step when a person suddenly loses consciousness and stops breathing. Initial resuscitation...

    Importance of initial resuscitation and automat...

    Life is fragile and immediate first aid can save a life. Initial resuscitation is the first and main step when a person suddenly loses consciousness and stops breathing. Initial resuscitation...

  • iTClamp® kraujavimo stabdymui

    iTClamp® for stopping bleeding

    The iTClamp® is a coTCCC-recommended bleeding arrest device for use on the extremities, axilla, groin, scalp, and neck. The device closes the edges of the wound to mitigate further blood...

    iTClamp® for stopping bleeding

    The iTClamp® is a coTCCC-recommended bleeding arrest device for use on the extremities, axilla, groin, scalp, and neck. The device closes the edges of the wound to mitigate further blood...

  • BurnTec hidrogeliniai tvarsčiai (tvarsčiai patyrus nudegimus)

    BurnTec hydrogel dressings (burn dressings)

    First aid dressings for burns and skin injuries. BurnTec® hydrogel dressings are different from other first aid dressings. Due to its stable hydrogel structure, BurnTec® dressing guarantees even coverage and...

    BurnTec hydrogel dressings (burn dressings)

    First aid dressings for burns and skin injuries. BurnTec® hydrogel dressings are different from other first aid dressings. Due to its stable hydrogel structure, BurnTec® dressing guarantees even coverage and...

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